Past Master and Bachelor Theses


Bachelor theses:

  1. Anna Borowa, “Investigation of the effectiveness of OCT image registration algorithms in ophthalmic applications.”
  2. Malgorzata Kufel, “Assessing the effectiveness of speckle statistical parameters for segmentation of retinal layers in OCT images.”
  3. Joanna Rosicka, “Analysis of OCT speckle of corneal epithelium and stroma in patients with diabetes.”
  4. Marcel Sobecki, “OCT speckle as a potential biomarker of corneal health in contact lens wearers.”


Master theses:

  1. Natalia Chrzanowska, “Assessment of intraocular pressure changes during extreme physical activity (Burpee test).”
  2. Michal Gardecki, “Compatibility study of ophthalmic biometers in terms of myopia correction.”
  3. Malgorzata Jeziorek, “Exploring the potential of cornea epithelial OCT speckle for the assessment of anterior eye health via the development of robust image segmentation methods.”
  4. Monika Marcinkowska, “Diurnal changes in corneal OCT speckle – searching for evidence of circadian rhythm in organisation of corneal microstructure.”
  5. Malwina Terlecka, “The influence of iris color on OCT speckle parameters and light scattering parameters in Scheimpflug images of the anterior segment of the eye.”


Master theses:

  1. Izabela Kaminska, “The sensitivity of geometric and statistical parameters estimated from corneal OCT images to boundary conditions.”
  2. Weronika Langer, “The potential compensatory role of the eye lens in corneal astigmatism.”

Bachelor theses:

  1. Michal Gardecki, “Tear film post-blink stabilisation and its influence on the parameters of corneal OCT speckle.”
  2. Monika Marcinkowska, “Impact of circadian rhythm and environmental factors on skin and ocular surface biomarkers in atopic dermatitis. A case study.”
  3. Grzegorz Stafanski, “Improving the quality of biomedical image classification using generative adversarial networks (GAN) for small datasets.”
  4. Malwina Terlecka, “Assessing the level of agreement for instruments measuring anterior surface of the cornea.”


Master theses:

  1. Karolina Buslowicz, “Repeatability and reliability of estimators of corneal structural parameters.”
  2. Anastazja Kurek, “Comparison of population parameters of backscatter to those of speckle in corneal imaging.”


Master theses:

  1. Aleksandra Fojcik, “Examination of structural parameters of the eye globe using indirect imaging methods.”
  2. Natalia Foltynska, “Examination of biomechanical parameters of limbal area as a function of age.”
  3. Karolina Glawdecka, “Examination of biomechanical parameters of astigmatic corneas using indirect imaging methods.”
  4. Aleksandra Kolbus, “Indirect examination of biomechanical parameters of the cornea depending on age.”
  5. Karolina Koszmider, “The analysis of contact lens fit and course of the visit.”
  6. Aleksandra Kosciolek, “Examination of structural parameters of the limbal region of the eye using indirect Scheimpflug imaging methods and optical coherence tomography.”
  7. Maria Miazdzyk, “Indirect estimation of biomechanical parameters of the cornea from a series of images recorded with the Scheimpflug camera.”
  8. Nina Nowińska, “Assessment of the corneal diameter impact on sagittal height and soft lens fitting.”
  9. Kinga Zabawka, “Analysis of higher order aberration correction with selected contact lenses.”
  10. Julia Zajda, “Examination of contact lens dehydration on eye using optical coherent tomography.”

Bachelor theses:

  1. Paula Kotyra, “Evaluation of eyelash makeup effect on the results of the tear film surface quality.”
  2. Anastazja Kurek, “Investigation of short-term increase of intraocular pressure on the parameters of retinal morphology.”
  3. Martyna Mospan, The analysis of statistical and textural parameters of OCT images of cornea.”
  4. Karolina Szymanska, “Study of dependence of retinal geometry on refraction and intraocular pressure.”


Master theses:

  1. Magda Bury, “Measurement of curvature of the anterior eye surface for the design a contact lens model made in the technology of 3D printing.”
  2. Michal Bury, “Verification of the concept of 3D printing technology for the production of contact lenses.”
  3. Magdalena Kozdras, “Bootstrap methods for linear processes with heavy tail noise.”
  4. Laura Prystrom, “The influence of dynamic and isometric exercises on the changes of intraocular pressure in people systematically practicing sports.”

Bachelor theses:

  1. Jedrzej Arciszewski, “Assessing 3D morphology of the palpebral fissure.”
  2. Pawel Bratek, “Clear lens extraction case study.”
  3. Natalia Foltynska, “Assessing the effect of geometrical parameters of the eye ball on refraction.”
  4. Karolina Glawdecka,”Investigating the dynamics of corneal speckle in intraocular pressure measurements.”
  5. Aleksandra Kolbus, “Optic disk morphology in high myopia.”
  6. Aleksandra Kosciolek, “Assessing speckle in tomographic images of cornea.”
  7. Marcela Niemczyk, “Bootstrap model selection in biomedical signal processing.”
  8. Izabela Retka, “imaging the iris of the human eye with the use of various kinds of photographic devices.”
  9. Kamila Serkowska, “Assessing the effect of brass playing on intraocular pressure.”


Master theses:

  1. Malgorzata Socha, “Corneal response in water drinking tests.”


Master theses:

  1. Krystian Janisz, “Estimating the parameters of cardiovascular activity from the ocular pulse register with specially constrained contact lens.”
  2. Anna Kubiak, “Analyzing the influence of external factors on the measurement of longitudinal eye movements in intraocular pulse investigations.”
  3. Malgorzata Majewska, “Assessing geometrical and mechanical parameters of the eye globe in the context of age and glaucoma related changes.”
  4. Natalia Najechalska, “The influence of accommodation on ocular pulse. Myopes versus emmetropes.”
  5. Patrycja Zwolenik, “Pre-lens tear film surface quality and its relationship to the corneo-scleral position of the contact lens.”


Master theses:

  1. Aleksandra Ciszewska, “Examination of progressive changes in the geometry of the optic disk in glaucoma patients.”
  2. Karolina Janiec, “Examination of progressive changes in the geometry of the lamina cribrosa in glaucoma patients.”
  3. Renata Kedzia, “Correlation analysis of parameters of an emmetropic eye ball in the context of intraocular pressure measurement.”
  4. Natalia Lychonska, “Influence of amblyopia treatment in childhood on vision in adulthood.”
  5. Joanna Misiewicz, “Assessment of contact lens fit in young adult wearers.”
  6. Ewa Poranska, “Assessment of tear film surface quality in young adult contact lens wearers.”
  7. Monika Sikora, “Testing stationarity of a signal in time and frequency analysis.”

Bachelor thesis:

  1. Marek Krawczyk,”Edge preserving filters in optical coherence tomography based imaging of retinal layers.”
  2. Malgorzata Majewska, “The influence of measuring instrument of the anterior eye surface on the automatic (software based) design of a contact lens.”


Master theses:

  1. Magdalena Dubniewska, “Influence of accommodation in visual acuity measurements utilising symbol charts with constant angular size.”
  2. Joanna Dyjak, “Multiple topography measurements for videokeratoscopy and profilometry based corneal measurements.”
  3. Izabela Garaszczuk, “Measuring tear film turnover with profilometry and optical coherence tomography. [WINNER, Read more …]
  4. Marta Gora, “Assessing contact lens fit in population of young regular contact lens wearers.”
  5. Malgorzata Stupak, “Assessment of tear film surface quality in young adult contact lens wearers.”
  6. Krystyna Tomczak, “Assessing edge preserving image processing algorithms and filters for optical coherence tomography.”

Bachelor thesis:

  1. Hanna Nowicka,”Potential of longitudinal vibrations in the human eye.”


Master thesis:

  1. Katarzyna Piechota,”3D OCT image processing methods for shape estimation of lamina cribrosa sclerae.”

Bachelor theses:

  1. Emilia Borczyk,”Application of Scheiner’s principle in bifocal lens design.”
  2. Aleksandra Czuba, “Application of Scheiner’s principle in honey-comb bifocal lens design.”
  3. Renata Kędzia, “Estimating choroidal thickens in high myopes with OCT.”
  4. Krystyna Tomczak, “Estimation of choroidal thickness from multiple eye biometry measurements with LENSTAR LS 900.”
  5. Jan Uryga, “Modelling the anterior eye topography.”


Master thesis:

  1. Hanna Dobosz,”Measurement, analysis and modelling of corneal limbus with OCT.”

Bachelor theses:

  1. Joanna Dyjak,”Measurement and analysis of spatial distribution of tear film with high-speed videokeratoscopy.”
  2. Maciej Bartuzel, “OCT based meniscometry.”
  3. Matuesz Jaskulski, “Autofocusing methods in profilometry of the anterior eye surface.”
  4. Malgorzata Stupak, “Measurement and modelling of corneal limbus.”
  5. Natalia Lychonska, “Keratoconus detection with Placido disk videokeratoscopy.”
  6. Marta Gora, “Keratoconus detection with Placido disk videokeratoscopy. Application of spherical harmonics.”