
MATLAB-based educational tools for understanding visual optics


Eye Aberrations App

The Eye Aberrations App allows visualization and understanding of the effect of optical aberrations on retinal image quality. To run it download the following link and then:

1. Open eye_aberrations_app.mlapp (this may take some time to open on some computers)

2. Click „Run” in MATLAB Designer

The App has many Tool_Tip_Strings to guide you through and point you to relevant published sources. Just point to a slider, push-button or another App element to activate this feature.

Funding: Narodowa Agencja Wymiany Akademickiej (Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange, PPI/APM/2019/1/00085/DEC/1)

Disclosure: This software is copyrighted. License agreement:  Wroclaw University of Science and Technology grants you the right to install, use and copy the Eye Aberrations App for free. The App may not be incorporated in whole or in part into any other software or product. Although considerable effort has been expended to make the App reliable, we make no warranties, express or implied that the functions contained in this App are free of error, or are consistent with any particular standard of merchantability, or that they will meet your requirements for any particular application. If you find that it does not work correctly, please compile a description of the problem and E-mail it to robert.iskander@pwr.edu.pl. An effort will be made to correct the problem for a future release.
